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classmates feel free to ignore my weird posts on other pages! I'll probably start actually doing stuff here since I finally have an excuse to work on the site again.

Fandom Studies Blog

This is where I'll be keeping all my blog posts for the fandom studies course I'm taking. 10% of my grade, plus I can make it cute. The prof said we could use WordPress but I started tweaking when I couldn't use custom colors for literally anything. So I'll do it here.

Pillars of Eternity

For my fandom of study, I have chosen the video game (series, technically) Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment (my beloved). It was one of several nostalgic cRPG's crowd-funded around 2012. The primary source for my "reading" will be simply playing the game and paying attention/taking notes on it.

Secondary material will be the youtube videos on the game and other games by Tim Cain, some videos with Josh Sawyer, the short stories linked on the Obsidian website, a handful of video essays analysing the game and what I consider to be very similar RPGs. Specifically, I have the entirety of Hbomberguy's Fallout videos nearly memorized, so it will be easy to pull from them for ideas and critical techniques.

There is sadly limited (non-degenerate) fan work for the game due to it not being massively popular. I'm hopeful that the reddit, other forums, and a bit of fan work that is of greater substance can also be included in my study.

You can find the blog posts for the journal linked on the right, organized-ish by date of writing.

Blog Posts by Date

uhhhh TBD